Hypnotic Temptress

Do you think that seduction is hypnosis? Perhaps but to Me hypnosis has always been seduction. I love the way it feels when a subject’s eyes start to get heavier and heavier, and I love the way their breathing begins to become even more rhythmic and gentle as my words take hold… it always brings Me pleasure to seduce My subject into a deep trance. Feeling you drop down deep while I seduce you in the most intense way is the hallmark of this long erotic trance… from the first word to the last you are all MINE… and thats so arousing… ready to be seduced into deep trance? to give up all your control?

During this trance I use classic hypnosis techniques like NLP, progressive relaxation, a count down, some already installed triggers, with lots of deep conditioning and mind control added for a good brainwashing. You will be treated to the deepest of trances, find it so arousing to be rewired to be My little submissive and love pet you will be coming back over and over. Featuring tons of triggers, deep relaxation, love and addiction, delta brainwaves added.

Length: 37 minutes

Format: mp3 download

Effects: yes, very light and skillfully used with purpose,

Music: light soundscape & highly effective delta brain waves

Overdubbing vocals: yes, it will melt your mind, but not distract from the main vocal track

Price: $29


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