Brain Circle

Time to let go of your day and allow the thing you can not resist, My voice as it draws a line around your brain, taking you deeper and deeper down. No need to resist the circle… in fact you can’t. My voice and words loop in circle around your brain clearing it of all thoughts save the ones I give it. Time to feel the pleasure you get when you hear My voice… time to feel the arousal and tingly feelings you always feel when you listen to My voice… and time for you to circle back to reality and repeat it all again… you can’t help it. It’s what I intended for you.

This long intensely lush trance file uses traditional hypnosis like NLP, triggers, confusion, covert elements, fractionation, progressive relaxation, arousal, submission, love addiction, brain training, and mind control elements/brainwashing like repetition, delta brainwaves, subliminal messaging, conditioning, past triggers, and much more and ties it all up in a very long LOOP that can be repeated endlessly taking you deeper each turn.

Let the Circle begin!

Length: 40 minutes

Format: mp3 download

Effects: yes, very light and skillfully used with purpose,

Music: light soundscape & highly effective delta brain waves

Overdubbing vocals: yes, it will melt your mind, but not overwhelm you from the main vocal track

Price: $29


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